Wednesday, March 17, 2010


So those of you who know me know that I'm kind of a big dude. For those who don't, I'm 6' tall and about 200lbs. (See picture) Now small guys and gals can do things differently than big guys and gals, and vice versa. That pack on my back? Weighs around 35-40lbs, and feels like there is nothing there. My friend who was on this trip could have carried it, but it would have been a whole lot more for her to lug around.

Now while I am a good person to have around for lugging heavy packs, I am not the person you would look to for grace and flexibility. And that is why I have started yoga.

Imagine this: It's 5:30am, and my phone alarm started to go off. I was tucked into my cozy front seat, head on a pillow and couple of blankets warming me nicely. I knew that I had two options, pull myself out of my surprisingly comfortable drivers seat and go to yoga, or go back to bed.

I decided to go back to bed. This was at 5:30. At 5:47 I made the decision to get my ass moving and do something productive. For those of you who sleep in later, remember that the mornings are now darker after the time jump ahead. I grabbed my gym bag (I have figured out that I need to pack it the night before if I want to actually have underwear) and headed across the street for the class.

Today was my second day of yoga, and I learned from my mistakes already. I grabbed two mats so my poor knees had some padding. We started by sitting cross legged, hands on our knees. Everyone in the class looks serene doing this, just breathing and relaxing. I, however, was sitting with my knees much higher than everyone, hip flexors (misnomer) screaming and reminding me that I am not flexible AT ALL! We did this for about 5 minutes, in which time I had to change position at least 12 times. After this, we began the real workout.

I actually did alright, and was feeling pretty proud of myself. I was only corrected by the teacher a couple of times, and felt like I made it through the much more intense workout better than the easier class of the day before. I left the class still congratulating myself mentally. That was when I overheard a couple of the mid-sixties aged class members complaining that the instructor took it far too easy that day. So much for my ego......

Despite the easier class, I did enjoy it, and will be back. I also went climbing in the gym last night, and I am already seeing the benefits. It's not in the flexibility yet, but in the breathing and control. As I moved through the grades I was able to focus and really breathe, and it helped immensely. Now that is encouraging!

For those looking for a moral, don't be afraid to push yourself and try something new. You never know what the benefits might be. Happy St. Patrick's Day all!

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