Saturday, March 27, 2010

Birthday Mania!

Sooooooooooo, today is my Dad's Birthday. He is 54. That really isn't that old, though when I was a teenager I would have thought 54 was quite old.

I also thought 30 was a long way away, but two days ago I hit that very age. So here I am, 30, homeless, and pursuing a job meant for guys ten years younger than me. How do I feel about that?

DAMN GOOD! Here I am, still young in my life and realizing what makes me happy. Many people I graduated with have jobs, kids, and the whole life. And they are jealous of me, and what I am going after. I am loving life in my third decade, and am quite sure that I am going after the right thing.

I had a great conversation with my loving girlfriend a week or so ago. We were imagining what we would do if we won the lottery. I realize that for the first time ever that even if I did win I would want to go down the same path. It's a great thing to be that confident about what you are doing in life. Sure the pay isn't that great, but you certainly can't beat the office views.

I am also excited because now I have finished my Level I Avalanche class, and my WFR course. This fall I am going to be taking an American Mountain Guide Association course with one of the most influential people in my climbing career, and a man whom I respect greatly. He really is one of my mentors. How many people get to have this opportunity?

What a great birthday. I am loving my choices, I have the support of my parents, a girlfriend who pushes me to be my best, and I am making definite measurable strides toward my goals. All because I was willing to take a big risk. I hope I can inspire others to take big risks in their life as well. You don't have to live out of your car, but you certainly can push your comfort zone a bit. You never know how good it might be!

1 comment:

  1. Justin, I'm so glad that I came across your link to this blog on Facebook! I was actually at the Shannon Rose a couple of days ago and I found myself thinking about our farewell dinner. That seems so long ago!

    It is fascinating to read about your adventures post-TFA. Though I found myself chucking at your comment about "definite measurable strides toward my goals". If that's not straight out of the TFA handbook, I don't know what is. :-) Enjoy the spring and hopefully I'll hear from you soon!
