Thursday, March 11, 2010

Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates, Oh My!

So to be able to perform in life you need fuel. Your body needs an optimal blend of foods to run efficiently. And just like an expensive car, your body won't run well on sub-par fuel. If I were to eat out at McDonald's or Taco Bell everyday, I would survive. And be obese. To really perform well, I need to eat well.

How is this possible when living out of your car? A few answers to this. I have a healthy addiction to Whole Foods, and have found some wonderful solutions. I love to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, and this is done easily here, since I can buy exactly the amount of food that I need. I have been on a carrot kick recently, and love that I can buy them individually. I also choose to shop in the bulk food section.

Carrots and apples are fine, but what about a hearty meal? Oh yeah, don't forget no refrigerator and no oven. Luckily I have a fine camp stove (MSR Reactor, if you don't have one, get one!) that boils water very quickly. This is great for certain quick and easy meals. I will share a typical day's worth of meals with you now.

For breakfast I am a big fan of the nutritional density of oatmeal. I picked up a big canister of quick cooking whole plain oats. This has (I believe, I'm not a nutritionist) the same healthful benefits of slower cooking whole oats. I can boil up water, then pour it into a bowl of oatmeal, and voila, it is ready in a jiffy. I like to add agave nectar. This is a great addition to any homeless cook kit, since it has a long shelf life, doesn't crystallize, and is tasty. It has the added benefit of having a lower glycemic index than honey, reducing the sugar spike and crash.

Lunch is a delicious bread that I get at a local bakery (gotta support the local family businesses) and combined with freshly ground almond butter at Whole Foods. They actually have a bin of almonds, and all I need to do is press the button and it grinds up the almonds, depositing it into a container for me to use. No added salt, sugar, or other ingredients! With this, I can find a good jelly, or use agave. Often though, the bread has so much flavor it is delicious with just the almond butter. I can supplement this meal with a banana and I am a happy dude.

Dinner is a great one. I love couscous, and have bulk whole wheat couscous. Adding just the right amount of boiled water and letting it sit for a couple of minutes is all you need to do. I never even have to boil it in a pot, just add water in the bowl. Once this is ready, I add a can of tuna (no salt added. keep a can opener in your food bag) and some hot sauce. I recently started adding agave nectar to this, making it a sweet and spicy delicious meal.

I also try to drink a lot of water each day, and will graze between meals on carrots, and most recently, the tiny "cuties" oranges. And to top off a great day you need a great dessert.

Dark Chocolate with Chiles! This delicious treat ends each dinner with a great bit of antioxidants, as well as a spicy and sweet finish. I buy a bar, and make it last about 3 days or so.

So there you have it ladies and gentleman, healthy food without a refrigerator or oven.I know I only gave a one day menu, but there is a lot of creativity to be had. The real trick is buying just enough of what you need. It is pricier than buying bulk amounts of food, but you're already saving money by not paying rent!

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